Honey Goodenough is a puppeteer, educator, and children’s party entertainer. Her company, Good Hearted Entertainment most recently, debuted their new show Stewie’s Magic Hat, which was generously funded by a Jim Henson Foundation Family Grant. She has also created the literacy-based puppet show WORD PLAY as part of the 2016 Puppet Showplace Incubator Program.

Her solo show, Sock Monkey Circus toured China in Fall 2017 with the International Clown Comedy Festival, and was also part of the National Puppet Slam at the Center for Puppetry Arts. It has appeared since at birthday parties and cultural events throughout Greater Boston. When not puppeteering, “Funny Honey” performs magic shows, paints faces, and twists balloons for all sorts of family friendly parties and events.

Honey is a trained marionette performer and has performed with Paper Moon Marionette Theater, PuppetWorks, and toured with the National Marionette Theatre and Frisch Marionettes. She has produced and performed in Puppet Slams across the country with generous support from Heather Henson’s Puppet Slam Network.

After years of experience working with diverse student populations in greater Boston, New York City, Vermont, and Texas, in 2017 she became Puppet Showplace Theater’s first resident teaching artist. She taught a wide variety of professional development courses for educators and aspiring puppeteers at Montserrat College of Art, Brooklyn College, the University of Utah, and City College CUNY.

Honey holds an M.A. in Educational Theater from New York University, and a B.A. in Theater Crafts and Technology from the University of Texas, Austin.